How to Remove "?m=1" from Blogger Website URL (100% Working)

When it comes to managing a successful blog, ensuring a clean and user-friendly URL structure is paramount.

However, many Blogger website owners encounter an issue where their URLs contain a "?m=1" parameter.

In this article, we will explore the impact of "?m=1" on website URLs and discuss the step-by-step process of removing it to improve the overall functionality and appearance of your blog.

How To Remove "?m=1" From Blogger URL

Understanding "?m=1"

To tackle the issue effectively, it's important to understand what "?m=1" represents. In Blogger, "?m=1" is a parameter appended to the URL that indicates the use of a mobile theme for viewing the website.

Essentially, it provides a mobile-friendly version of the blog to users accessing it from mobile devices. However, this parameter can clutter the URL structure and hinder optimal website performance.

Reasons to Remove "?m=1"

There are several compelling reasons to remove "?m=1" from your Blogger website URLs. Firstly, it significantly impacts search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines prefer clean and concise URLs, and the presence of "?m=1" can confuse search engine crawlers, potentially affecting your website's visibility in search results.

Furthermore, "?m=1" negatively affects the user experience. It not only adds unnecessary complexity to the URL but can also lead to confusion for visitors. Clean and memorable URLs contribute to better user engagement and encourage users to revisit your blog.

Additionally, compatibility issues can arise with certain third-party tools and plugins that rely on a clean URL structure. Removing "?m=1" ensures seamless integration and functionality with these tools, enabling you to leverage their benefits to the fullest.

Step-by-Step Guide to Removing "?m=1"

Now, let's delve into the step-by-step process of removing "?m=1" from your Blogger website URL:

Step 1: Accessing the Blogger Dashboard

Log in to your Blogger account and navigate to the Blogger Dashboard. This is the main control panel where you manage your blog's settings.

Step 2: Navigating to the Theme Section

In the Blogger Dashboard, locate the "Theme" tab. Click on it to access the various settings related to your blog.

Step 3: Selecting "Mobile Settings"

Within the Settings section, you will find a submenu. Look for "Theme > Choose Mobile Theme" and click on it.

Step 4: Locating "Enable Mobile Theme"

Scroll down the "Do you want to show Desktop or Mobile theme on mobile devices?" page until you find the "Desktop or Mobile theme" option. By default, the mobile theme option is selected, which is why the "?m=1" parameter appears in your URLs.

Step 5: Disabling the Mobile Theme by changing to the Desktop option.

How To Remove ?m=1 from URL in Blogger With JavaScript

To remove "?m=1," simply uncheck the "Enable mobile theme" box. This action will disable the mobile theme for your blog, leading to cleaner URLs.

Step 6: Saving the Changes

After disabling the mobile theme, don't forget to save the changes. Locate the "Save changes" button at the top or bottom of the page and click on it. Your Blogger website will now have URLs free from the "?m=1" parameter as shown below.

JavaScript To Remove "?m=1" From Blogger URL

How To Remove m=1 from URL in Blogger With JavaScript

  1. Visit
  2. Click on Theme
  3. Choose Edit HTML
  4. Search for <head> and paste the following codes below it.
Please do not both codes at the same time, you can only try the second code if the first one doesn't work for you. {alertWarning}


<script type='text/javascript'>


var a=['toString','location','replaceState','&m=1','history','title','%3D','indexOf','%3D%3D','?m=1','substring'];(function(c,d){var e=function(f){while(--f){c['push'](c['shift']());}};e(++d);}(a,0x81));var b=function(c,d){c=c-0x0;var e=a[c];return e;};var f=window[b('0x4')][b('0x3')]();if(f[b('0xa')](b('0x9'),b('0x9'))>0x0){var j=f[b('0x2')](0x0,f[b('0xa')](b('0x9')));window[b('0x7')]['replaceState']({},document[b('0x8')],j);}var f=window[b('0x4')][b('0x3')]();if(f['indexOf'](b('0x0'),b('0x0'))>0x0){var j=f[b('0x2')](0x0,f[b('0xa')](b('0x0')));window[b('0x7')]['replaceState']({},document[b('0x8')],j);}var f=window['location']['toString']();if(f['indexOf'](b('0x6'),b('0x6'))>0x0){var j=f['substring'](0x0,f['indexOf'](b('0x6')));window[b('0x7')][b('0x5')]({},document[b('0x8')],j);}var f=window[b('0x4')][b('0x3')]();if(f[b('0xa')](b('0x1'),b('0x1'))>0x0){var j=f[b('0x2')](0x0,f[b('0xa')](b('0x1')));window[b('0x7')][b('0x5')]({},document[b('0x8')],j);}

//]]></script> {codeBox}


<script><![CDATA[var uri = window.location.toString();if (uri.indexOf("?m=1","?m=1") > 0) {var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("?m=1"));window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri); }; /]]></script> {codeBox}

Verifying the Removal of "?m=1"

To ensure the successful removal of "?m=1" from your Blogger website URLs, perform the following steps:

Firstly, clear your browser cache to eliminate any stored versions of the old URLs. This ensures that when you access your blog, you're viewing the latest version with the updated URL structure.

Next, navigate to any page on your blog and examine the URL. Verify that the "?m=1" parameter is no longer present. If the URLs appear clean and devoid of "?m=1," congratulations! You have successfully removed it from your website.

Potential Issues and Troubleshooting

If you encounter situations where "?m=1" persists despite following the aforementioned steps, revisit the settings mentioned earlier. Double-check that the mobile theme is indeed disabled.

If it is, try enabling and disabling it once more, followed by saving the changes. This action can help resolve any discrepancies and ensure the clean URLs you desire.

It's also crucial to verify that you have the correct theme selected for your blog. In some cases, incorrect theme settings can override the changes made in the mobile theme options, resulting in the persistence of "?m=1" in the URLs. Review your theme selection and ensure it aligns with your preferences and requirements.

Benefits of Removing "?m=1"

The removal of "?m=1" from your Blogger website URLs brings forth several benefits. Firstly, it enhances your SEO performance by providing search engines with clean and optimized URLs to crawl. This, in turn, improves the chances of your blog appearing higher in search results, driving organic traffic to your website.

Secondly, clean URLs contribute to an enhanced user experience. By eliminating the unnecessary "?m=1" parameter, you create more user-friendly and memorable URLs, making it easier for visitors to navigate your blog and share your content.

Lastly, removing "?m=1" ensures greater compatibility with various third-party tools and plugins. Whether you're integrating analytics tools, social sharing plugins, or other widgets, having clean URLs ensures seamless functionality and maximizes the benefits derived from these tools.


In conclusion, removing "?m=1" from your Blogger website URLs is crucial for optimizing your blog's functionality and appearance. By understanding the impact of "?m=1," following the step-by-step guide, and verifying the removal, you can enjoy the benefits of cleaner URLs, such as improved SEO, enhanced user experience, and compatibility with third-party tools. Take the necessary steps today and elevate your Blogger website to new heights of success.

James Oliver

James is a tech-savvy professional and enthusiast. He writes content that gives readers the insights and information they need to understand how tech impacts your life, workplace, and world.

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